这是一篇双语翻译的文章,原文出自 grok_system_design_interview.pdf 的一篇文章《Designing Facebook Messenger》设计 Facebook Messenger。

Let’s design an instant messaging service like Facebook Messenger where users can send text messages to each other through web and mobile interfaces. 让我们设计一个像 Facebook Messenger 这样的即时消息服务,用户可以通过网络和移动界面互相发送短信。

1. What is Facebook Messenger?

1.什么是 Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is a software application which provides text-based instant messaging services to its users. Messenger users can chat with their Facebook friends both from cell-phones and Facebook’s website.

Facebook Messenger 是一款为其用户提供基于文本的即时消息服务的软件应用程序。 Messenger 用户可以通过手机和 Facebook 网站与 Facebook 好友聊天。

2. Requirements and Goals of the System

  1. 系统的要求和目标

Our Messenger should meet the following requirements:

我们的 Messenger 应满足以下要求:

Functional Requirements:


  1. Messenger should support one-on-one conversations between users.

    Messenger 应支持用户之间的一对一对话。

  2. Messenger should keep track of the online/offline statuses of its users.

    Messenger 应跟踪用户的在线/离线状态。

  3. Messenger should support persistent storage of chat history.


Non-functional Requirements:


  1. Users should have real-time chat experience with minimum latency.


  2. Our system should be highly consistent; users should be able to see the same chat history on all their devices.


  3. Messenger’s high availability is desirable; we can tolerate lower availability in the interest of consistency.

    Messenger 的高可用性是可取的;为了以下目的,我们可以容忍较低的可用性一致性。

Extended Requirements:


  • Group Chats: Messenger should support multiple people talking to each other in a group.

    群组聊天:Messenger 应支持多人在群组中相互交谈。

  • Push notifications: Messenger should be able to notify users of new messages when they are offline.

    推送通知:Messenger 应该能够在用户有新消息时通知他们离线。

3. Capacity Estimation and Constraints

  1. 容量估计和约束

Let’s assume that we have 500 million daily active users and on average each user sends 40 messages daily; this gives us 20 billion messages per day.

假设我们有 5 亿日活跃用户,平均每个用户每天发送 40 条消息;这每天给我们带来 200 亿条消息。

Storage Estimation: Let’s assume that on average a message is 100 bytes, so to store all the messages for one day we would need 2TB of storage.

存储估算:假设一条消息平均为 100 字节,因此要存储一天的所有消息,我们需要 2TB 的存储空间。

20 billion messages * 100 bytes => 2 TB/day

200 亿条消息 * 100 字节 => 2 TB/天

To store five years of chat history, we would need 3.6 petabytes of storage.

要存储五年的聊天历史记录,我们需要 3.6 PB 的存储空间。

2 TB * 365 days * 5 years ~= 3.6 PB

Other than the chat messages, we would also need to store users’ information, messages’ metadata (ID, Timestamp, etc.). Not to mention, the above calculation doesn’t take data compression and replication in consideration.


Bandwidth Estimation: If our service is getting 2TB of data every day, this will give us 25MB of incoming data for each second.

带宽估计:如果我们的服务每天获取 2TB 的数据,那么每秒将为我们提供 25MB 的传入数据。

2 TB / 86400 sec ~= 25 MB/s

Since each incoming message needs to go out to another user, we will need the same amount of bandwidth 25MB/s for both upload and download.

由于每条传入消息都需要发送给另一个用户,因此我们需要相同的带宽 25MB/s 来进行上传和下载。

High level estimates:


Total messages 20 billion per day Storage for each day 2TB Storage for 5 years 3.6PB Incomming data 25MB/s Outgoing data 25MB/s

消息总数 每天 200 亿条 每天存储 2TB 存储 5 年 3.6PB 传入数据 25MB/s 传出数据 25MB/s

4. High Level Design

  1. 高层设计

At a high-level, we will need a chat server that will be the central piece, orchestrating all the communications between users. When a user wants to send a message to another user, they will connect to the chat server and send the message to the server; the server then passes that message to the other user and also stores it in the database.


The detailed workflow would look like this:


  1. User-A sends a message to User-B through the chat server.

    用户 A 通过聊天服务器向用户 B 发送消息。

  2. The server receives the message and sends an acknowledgment to User-A.

    服务器接收消息并向用户 A 发送确认。

  3. The server stores the message in its database and sends the message to User-B.


  4. User-B receives the message and sends the acknowledgment to the server.

    用户B 接收消息并向服务器发送确认。

  5. The server notifies User-A that the message has been delivered successfully to User-B.

    服务器通知用户 A 消息已成功传递给用户 B。

5. Detailed Component Design

  1. 详细组件设计

Let’s try to build a simple solution first where everything runs on one server. At the high level our system needs to handle the following use cases:


  1. Receive incoming messages and deliver outgoing messages.


  2. Store and retrieve messages from the database.


  3. Keep a record of which user is online or has gone offline, and notify all the relevant users about these status changes.


Let’s talk about these scenarios one by one:


a. Messages Handling


How would we efficiently send/receive messages? To send messages, a user needs to connect to the server and post messages for the other users. To get a message from the server, the user has two options:


  1. Pull model: Users can periodically ask the server if there are any new messages for them.


  2. Push model: Users can keep a connection open with the server and can depend upon the server to notify them whenever there are new messages.


If we go with our first approach, then the server needs to keep track of messages that are still waiting to be delivered, and as soon as the receiving user connects to the server to ask for any new message, the server can return all the pending messages. To minimize latency for the user, they have to check the server quite frequently, and most of the time they will be getting an empty response if there are no pending message. This will waste a lot of resources and does not look like an efficient solution.


If we go with our second approach, where all the active users keep a connection open with the server, then as soon as the server receives a message it can immediately pass the message to the intended user. This way, the server does not need to keep track of the pending messages, and we will have minimum latency, as the messages are delivered instantly on the opened connection.


How will clients maintain an open connection with the server? We can use HTTP Long Polling or WebSockets. In long polling, clients can request information from the server with the expectation that the server may not respond immediately. If the server has no new data for the client when the poll is received, instead of sending an empty response, the server holds the request open and waits for

客户端如何与服务器保持开放连接?我们可以使用 HTTP 长轮询或 WebSockets。在长轮询中,客户端可以向服务器请求信息,但期望服务器可能不会立即响应。如果服务器在收到轮询时没有为客户端提供新数据,则服务器不会发送空响应,而是保持请求打开并等待

response information to become available. Once it does have new information, the server immediately sends the response to the client, completing the open request. Upon receipt of the server response, the client can immediately issue another server request for future updates. This gives a lot of improvements in latencies, throughputs, and performance. The long polling request can timeout or can receive a disconnect from the server, in that case, the client has to open a new request.


How can the server keep track of all the opened connection to redirect messages to the users efficiently? The server can maintain a hash table, where “key” would be the UserID and “value” would be the connection object. So whenever the server receives a message for a user, it looks up that user in the hash table to find the connection object and sends the message on the open request.


What will happen when the server receives a message for a user who has gone offline? If the receiver has disconnected, the server can notify the sender about the delivery failure. If it is a temporary disconnect, e.g., the receiver’s long-poll request just timed out, then we should expect a reconnect from the user. In that case, we can ask the sender to retry sending the message. This retry could be embedded in the client’s logic so that users don’t have to retype the message. The server can also store the message for a while and retry sending it once the receiver reconnects.


How many chat servers we need? Let’s plan for 500 million connections at any time. Assuming a modern server can handle 50K concurrent connections at any time, we would need 10K such servers.

我们需要多少个聊天服务器?随时规划5亿连接。假设现代服务器可以随时处理 50K 并发连接,我们将需要 10K 这样的服务器。

How do we know which server holds the connection to which user? We can introduce a software load balancer in front of our chat servers; that can map each UserID to a server to redirect the request.

我们如何知道哪个服务器拥有与哪个用户的连接?我们可以在聊天服务器前面引入一个软件负载均衡器;它可以将每个 UserID 映射到服务器以重定向请求。

How should the server process a ‘deliver message’ request? The server needs to do the following things upon receiving a new message: 1) Store the message in the database 2) Send the message to the receiver and 3) Send an acknowledgment to the sender.

服务器应该如何处理“传递消息”请求?服务器在收到新消息后需要执行以下操作: 1) 将消息存储在数据库中 2) 将消息发送给接收者 3) 向发送者发送确认。

The chat server will first find the server that holds the connection for the receiver and pass the message to that server to send it to the receiver. The chat server can then send the acknowledgment to the sender; we don’t need to wait for storing the message in the database (this can happen in the background). Storing the message is discussed in the next section.


How does the messenger maintain the sequencing of the messages? We can store a timestamp with each message, which is the time the message is received by the server. This will still not ensure correct ordering of messages for clients. The scenario where the server timestamp cannot determine the exact order of messages would look like this:


  1. User-1 sends a message M1 to the server for User-2.

    User-1 向 User-2 的服务器发送消息 M1。

  2. The server receives M1 at T1.

    服务器在 T1 接收 M1。

  3. Meanwhile, User-2 sends a message M2 to the server for User-1.


  4. The server receives the message M2 at T2, such that T2 > T1.


  5. The server sends message M1 to User-2 and M2 to User-1.

    服务器将消息 M1 发送到 User-2,将 M2 发送到 User-1。

So User-1 will see M1 first and then M2, whereas User-2 will see M2 first and then M1.

因此,用户 1 将首先看到 M1,然后是 M2,而用户 2 将首先看到 M2,然后是 M1。

To resolve this, we need to keep a sequence number with every message for each client. This sequence number will determine the exact ordering of messages for EACH user. With this solution both clients will see a different view of the message sequence, but this view will be consistent for them on all devices.


b. Storing and retrieving the messages from the database


Whenever the chat server receives a new message, it needs to store it in the database. To do so, we have two options:


  1. Start a separate thread, which will work with the database to store the message. 2. Send an asynchronous request to the database to store the message.

    启动一个单独的线程,该线程将与数据库一起存储消息。 2. 向数据库发送异步请求来存储消息。

We have to keep certain things in mind while designing our database:


  1. How to efficiently work with the database connection pool.


  2. How to retry failed requests.


  3. Where to log those requests that failed even after some retries.


  4. How to retry these logged requests (that failed after the retry) when all the issues have resolved.


Which storage system we should use? We need to have a database that can support a very high rate of small updates and also fetch a range of records quickly. This is required because we have a huge number of small messages that need to be inserted in the database and, while querying, a user is mostly interested in sequentially accessing the messages.


We cannot use RDBMS like MySQL or NoSQL like MongoDB because we cannot afford to read/write a row from the database every time a user receives/sends a message. This will not only make the basic operations of our service run with high latency, but also create a huge load on databases.

我们无法使用 MySQL 等 RDBMS 或 MongoDB 等 NoSQL,因为我们无法在用户每次接收/发送消息时从数据库中读取/写入一行。这不仅会使我们服务的基本操作以高延迟运行,还会对数据库造成巨大的负载。

Both of our requirements can be easily met with a wide-column database solution like HBase. HBase is a column-oriented key-value NoSQL database that can store multiple values against one key into multiple columns. HBase is modeled after Google’s BigTable and runs on top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). HBase groups data together to store new data in a memory buffer and, once the buffer is full, it dumps the data to the disk. This way of storage not only helps storing a lot of small data quickly, but also fetching rows by the key or scanning ranges of rows. HBase is also an efficient database to store variably sized data, which is also required by our service.

像 HBase 这样的宽列数据库解决方案就可以轻松满足我们的这两个要求。 HBase 是一种面向列的键值 NoSQL 数据库,可以将一个键的多个值存储到多个列中。 HBase 仿照 Google 的 BigTable 建模,并在 Hadoop 分布式文件系统 (HDFS) 之上运行。 HBase 将数据分组在一起,将新数据存储在内存缓冲区中,一旦缓冲区已满,它将数据转储到磁盘。这种存储方式不仅有助于快速存储大量小数据,而且还可以通过键或扫描行范围来获取行。 HBase也是一个高效的数据库,可以存储不同大小的数据,这也是我们的服务所需要的。

How should clients efficiently fetch data from the server? Clients should paginate while fetching data from the server. Page size could be different for different clients, e.g., cell phones have smaller screens, so we need a fewer number of message/conversations in the viewport.


c. Managing user’s status


We need to keep track of user’s online/offline status and notify all the relevant users whenever a status change happens. Since we are maintaining a connection object on the server for all active users, we can easily figure out the user’s current status from this. With 500M active users at any time, if we have to

我们需要跟踪用户的在线/离线状态,并在状态发生变化时通知所有相关用户。由于我们在服务器上为所有活动用户维护一个连接对象,因此我们可以轻松地从中找出用户的当前状态。任何时候都有 5 亿活跃用户,如果我们必须的话

broadcast each status change to all the relevant active users, it will consume a lot of resources. We can do the following optimization around this:


  1. Whenever a client starts the app, it can pull the current status of all users in their friends’ list.


  2. Whenever a user sends a message to another user that has gone offline, we can send a failure to the sender and update the status on the client.


  3. Whenever a user comes online, the server can always broadcast that status with a delay of a few seconds to see if the user does not go offline immediately.


  4. Client’s can pull the status from the server about those users that are being shown on the user’s viewport. This should not be a frequent operation, as the server is broadcasting the online status of users and we can live with the stale offline status of users for a while.


  5. Whenever the client starts a new chat with another user, we can pull the status at that time.


Detailed component design for Facebook messenger

Facebook Messenger 的详细组件设计

Design Summary: Clients will open a connection to the chat server to send a message; the server will then pass it to the requested user. All the active users will keep a connection open with the server to receive messages. Whenever a new message arrives, the chat server will push it to the receiving user on the long poll request. Messages can be stored in HBase, which supports quick small updates, and range


based searches. The servers can broadcast the online status of a user to other relevant users. Clients can pull status updates for users who are visible in the client’s viewport on a less frequent basis.


6. Data partitioning

  1. 数据分区

Since we will be storing a lot of data (3.6PB for five years), we need to distribute it onto multiple database servers. What will be our partitioning scheme?

由于我们将存储大量数据(五年 3.6PB),因此我们需要将其分发到多个数据库服务器上。我们的分区方案是什么?

Partitioning based on UserID: Let’s assume we partition based on the hash of the UserID so that we can keep all messages of a user on the same database. If one DB shard is 4TB, we will have “3.6PB/4TB ~= 900” shards for five years. For simplicity, let’s assume we keep 1K shards. So we will find the shard number by “hash(UserID) % 1000” and then store/retrieve the data from there. This partitioning scheme will also be very quick to fetch chat history for any user.

基于 UserID 的分区:假设我们基于 UserID 的哈希进行分区,以便我们可以将用户的所有消息保存在同一个数据库中。如果一个数据库分片是 4TB,那么五年内我们将拥有“3.6PB/4TB ~= 900”个分片。为了简单起见,我们假设我们保留 1K 分片。因此,我们将通过“hash(UserID) % 1000”找到分片编号,然后从那里存储/检索数据。这种分区方案也可以非常快速地获取任何用户的聊天历史记录。

In the beginning, we can start with fewer database servers with multiple shards residing on one physical server. Since we can have multiple database instances on a server, we can easily store multiple partitions on a single server. Our hash function needs to understand this logical partitioning scheme so that it can map multiple logical partitions on one physical server.


Since we will store an unlimited history of messages, we can start with a big number of logical partitions, which will be mapped to fewer physical servers, and as our storage demand increases, we can add more physical servers to distribute our logical partitions.


Partitioning based on MessageID: If we store different messages of a user on separate database shards, fetching a range of messages of a chat would be very slow, so we should not adopt this scheme.


7. Cache

  1. 缓存

We can cache a few recent messages (say last 15) in a few recent conversations that are visible in a user’s viewport (say last 5). Since we decided to store all of the user’s messages on one shard, cache for a user should entirely reside on one machine too.

我们可以在用户视口中可见的一些最近对话(例如最后 5 条)中缓存一些最近的消息(例如最后 15 条)。由于我们决定将所有用户的消息存储在一个分片上,因此用户的缓存也应该完全驻留在一台机器上。

8. Load balancing


We will need a load balancer in front of our chat servers; that can map each UserID to a server that holds the connection for the user and then direct the request to that server. Similarly, we would need a load balancer for our cache servers.

我们需要在聊天服务器前面有一个负载均衡器;它可以将每个 UserID 映射到保存用户连接的服务器,然后将请求定向到该服务器。同样,我们的缓存服务器需要一个负载平衡器。

9. Fault tolerance and Replication

  1. 容错和复制

What will happen when a chat server fails? Our chat servers are holding connections with the users. If a server goes down, should we devise a mechanism to transfer those connections to some other server? It’s extremely hard to failover TCP connections to other servers; an easier approach can be to have clients automatically reconnect if the connection is lost.

当聊天服务器出现故障时会发生什么?我们的聊天服务器与用户保持连接。如果服务器出现故障,我们是否应该设计一种机制将这些连接转移到其他服务器?将 TCP 连接故障转移到其他服务器非常困难;一种更简单的方法是让客户端在连接丢失时自动重新连接。

Should we store multiple copies of user messages? We cannot have only one copy of the user’s data, because if the server holding the data crashes or is down permanently, we don’t have any mechanism to


recover that data. For this, either we have to store multiple copies of the data on different servers or use techniques like Reed-Solomon encoding to distribute and replicate it.

恢复该数据。为此,我们要么必须在不同的服务器上存储数据的多个副本,要么使用 Reed-Solomon 编码等技术来分发和复制数据。

10. Extended Requirements

  1. 扩展要求

a. Group chat


We can have separate group-chat objects in our system that can be stored on the chat servers. A group- chat object is identified by GroupChatID and will also maintain a list of people who are part of that chat. Our load balancer can direct each group chat message based on GroupChatID and the server handling that group chat can iterate through all the users of the chat to find the server handling the connection of each user to deliver the message.

我们可以在系统中拥有单独的群聊对象,这些对象可以存储在聊天服务器上。群聊对象由 GroupChatID 标识,并且还将维护属于该聊天的人员列表。我们的负载均衡器可以根据 GroupChatID 引导每个群聊消息,并且处理该群聊的服务器可以迭代所有聊天用户,找到处理每个用户连接的服务器来传递消息。

In databases, we can store all the group chats in a separate table partitioned based on GroupChatID.


b. Push notifications


In our current design user’s can only send messages to active users and if the receiving user is offline, we send a failure to the sending user. Push notifications will enable our system to send messages to offline users.


For Push notifications, each user can opt-in from their device (or a web browser) to get notifications whenever there is a new message or event. Each manufacturer maintains a set of servers that handles pushing these notifications to the user.


To have push notifications in our system, we would need to set up a Notification server, which will take the messages for offline users and send them to the manufacture’s push notification server, which will then send them to the user’s device.
